This page was supposed to tell you all about me,
the author, Gregory Gerard Allison.
In my mind, it was really cool—
with links to my current writing project:

—and pictures, and clever quotes,
and maybe even a funny video or two.

But, honestly,
we had a bat in our turn-of-the-century* house last night
(*the old, classic, Bela Lugosi century,
not the new, flashy, millennial century),
which began to flit about the living room
around midnight (of course) just as I was going to bed—
and I spent half the night in a hoodie, gloves, and sweats trying to coax it (unsuccessfully) out an open window.


So, instead of fun & clever,
you just get tired-old-me telling you
that I wrote a new memoir
about the search for my grandfather's (Charles (Charley) Allison's) missing clock collection.

The quest includes movie stars and letters and divorces and broken gears and the Amish community and all sorts of stuff that I couldn't make up if I tried. All those details are on my ALLISON CLOCKS SITE.

Allison Clock



And I wrote an illustrated poem (fiction) called

about talking a stroll on a misty, October 30 evening
...and having a most unanticipated encounter.
Some think it's spooky and fun
and has some interesting photo sketches from Rochester's Neighborhood of the Arts
(for those of you of any age).

The Martini Chronicles

The book is available on Amazon HERE
and is making the rounds this autumn.


And I wrote another new book (fiction) called

about the strong friendship between a
single gay guy and a straight married woman.
Some think it's funny and dramatic
and has tasty martini recipes
(for those of you of legal age).

The Martini Chronicles

The manuscript was a finalist in the
2015 University of New Orleans
Publishing Laboratory contest.
I'm currently working to secure an
agent/publisher for this project.
Stay tuned.*
(*unless, of course, you are an agent and looking for the next thing, in which case drop me an EMAIL!


the sweet and dark martini


And I wrote an old book (memoir) called
about growing up gay and Catholic.
Some think it's funny and dramatic and
has some good advice for those struggling
with the whole gay vs. religion thing
(for those of you of any age).

Featured on CONNECTIONS WITH EVAN DAWSON (WXXI, Rochester NY) if you'd like to give a listen.


And I started a nonfiction journal called
to build on the narrative of our lives.
Some think it's dramatic or funny
(and sometimes both!) and
will serve as inspiration for
emerging and established writers.


if you really wanted to know more about Gregory Gerard,
the writer, not Gregory Gerard, the tired website designer,
take a stroll over to my

site. It's got all the good stuff
you were probably looking for here. 

That's the one I built on the
non-bat-flying-around-at-midnight day.